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Image de Tim Marshall

Lean Transformation Program for Veolia Eau France

Orios Conseil is assisting Veolia Eau France in the deployment of a Lean transformation program


Veolia aims to empower its teams for continuous performance improvement across the entire French territory.


We were chosen to train and support Project Managers in implementing improvement projects and establishing continuous improvement routines in various regions and business areas of the company.


At this stage, our interventions have already allowed to:

  • Double the productivity of a consumer service (meter changes, installation, and maintenance of communicating modules): 90% increase in the number of daily interventions and a 50% reduction in failure rate.

  • Reduce by 50% the required time for an intervention within a sanitation inspection service, as well as a reduction of the appointment waiting time from 30 to 8 days.

  • Reduced the rate of requests processed beyond deadline from 50% to less than 10% for a temporary connection and leak repair service

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